NASWA Journal Columns · Listeners Notebook – February 2023

Richard D’Angelo • 2216 Burkey Drive • Wyomissing, PA 19610 rdangelo3◊

Listeners Notebook – February 2023

Last Updated on March 24, 2023 by Rich Cuff

Times are UTC and frequencies in kHz. Last month I ran two items that should have been credited to long time club member Glenn Hauser; one was South Sudan and the other was station WTWW. Too much holiday cheer? (RAD)

ALASKA KNLS The New Life Station in Chinese via Anchor Point, January 24: 0800-1000 on 7370 Chinese tx#1 1000-1100 on 9715 Chinese tx#1 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

WCB KNLS The New Life Station in English on via Anchor Point, January 24: 0800-0900 on 6075English tx#2 from 1000 on 9540 English tx#2, instead of 9680 from 1013 on 9680 English tx#2, instead of wrong 9540 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

WCB KNLS The New Life Station in Russian on via Anchor Point, January 24: 0900-1000 on 9540 Russian tx#2 from 1100 on 9680 Russian tx#2, instead of 9570 from 1102 on 9570 Russian tx#2 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

ALGERIA News schedule of Telediffusion d’Algerie via Bechar&Ourgla: 0000-0600 on 7440 ORG Arabic Holy Qur’an px 0000-0600 on 9500# BEC Arabic Holy Qur’an px 0600-2400 on 15410 ORG Arabic Holy Qur’an px 0600-2400 on 17600# BEC Arabic Holy Qur’an px

Telediffusion d’Algerie TDA via Ourgla & via Bechar on January 6: 1600 & 1628 on 15410*ORG Arabic Holy Qur’an 1600 & 1628 on 17600 BEC Arabic Holy Qur’an * co-channel 15410 ISS Afan Oromo Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar at same time (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

15410, on Tue, Jan 24, at 1825-1835, Radio Algerienne, Ouargla-ALG, in Arabic. Holy Qur’an program: At this moment, muslin and woman teaching a child to chant The Qur’an, correctly; 1830 Qur’an chant and recitation by baritone man; 1832 UT Quran chant. Good reception: 45544. (Jota Xavier-Brazil, hcdx Jan 24/TopNews)

ARMENIA Frequency change of BBC via Yerevan from December 29: 0000-0100 NF 6035 English, ex 5875 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Trans World Radio India in English via CJSC Yerevan, January 5: 1430-1500 on 9965 English Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

TWR India relay FEBA Radio Pakistan in Urdu via CJSC Yerevan, January 5: 1500-1530 on 9965 Urdu Daily (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

TWR India in Kurukh & Hindi via CJSC Yerevan, January 25: 1315-1330 on 12075 Kurukh Wed-Fri 1415-1430 on 9965 Hindi Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

DX program DXers Diary in English via Agana and via CJSC Yerevan, January 25: from 1101 on 11965 TWR English Wed KTWR Agana from 1431 on 9965 ERV English Wed TWR India (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

AUSTRALIA Reception of Reach Beyond Australia in Japanese via Kununurra, January 14: 1100-1130 on 11905 Japanese Sat/Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

5055, Radio 4KZ sent QSL Card in 15days for an English report from (Kazuaki Oikawa-Japan/Japan Shortwave Club)

AUSTRIA Adventist World Radio to change from 300 kW to 100 kW for transmissions via Moosbrunn, Austria from1 January 2023. (Jose Jacob-India, VU2JOS)

Info from AWR 31 Dec 2022 is last day of Adventist World Radio via 300 kW Transmitter at Moosbrunn, Austria. From 1 Jan 2023 they will use the 100 kW Transmitter instead at Moosbrunn. The B22 schedule of AWR via Moosbrunn 300 kW is as follows: 0200-0230 on 7340 Urdu 0230-0300 on 7340 Punjabi 0400-0430 6185 Turkish 0500-0530 9630 Hausa 0600-0700 11880 Arabic 0700-0730 15610 French 0800-0830 15145 French 1400-1430 17765 Urdu 1500-1530 11955 Turkish 1530-1630 15265 Punjabi, Urdu 1630-1700 9770 Farsi 1730-1800 17765 Masai 1800-1858 11955 Arabic 1930-2000 17765 French 2000-2100 9535 Dyula, French. Reception Reports to (Jose Jacob-India, VU2JOS, Official Monitor, AWR)

Oesterreichischer Rundfunk-1: 0600-0720 on 6155 German Daily 1100-1200 on 13730 German Mon-Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk ORF-1 in German via Moosbrunn, January 19: 1100-1200 on 13730* German Mon-Sat *1152-1155 on 13730 English news bulletin 3min.30sec. (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Very strong signal of Oesterreichischer Rundfunk ORF-1 in German via Moosbrunn, January 20: 0600-0633 on 6155 German Mon-Sat, ex 0600-0720 Daily (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Radio Pravda dlja Rossii in Russian via ORS Moosbrunn on January 21: 1500-1600 on 9745 Russian Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

6155/13730, The relay of the domestic service OE1 via ORS Moosbrunn bcast center was reduced. The morning broadcast was more than halved. The Sunday morning broadcast was stopped. The new observed schedule is: 0600-0633 (ex to 0720) hrs: 6155 Mon-Sat (no Sun broadcast) 1100-1200 hrs: 13730 Mon-Sat (unchanged) (Hans-Peter Themann / Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-Germany/TopNews) ORF Vienna – news in English is still heard on 13730 at 1152-1155v. (Paul Gager-Austria via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 16)

13710, Oesterreichischer Rundfunk-1verified with an E-QSL in 3 hours from (Kazuaki Oikawa-Japan/Japan Shortwave Club)

BANGLADESH External Sce of Bangladesh Betar in Arabic, Bangla & English via Shavar, December 29: 1515-1545 on 4750 Hindi IS NOT ON AIR TODAY 1600-1630 on 4750 Arabic 1630-1730 on 4750 Bangla 1745-1900 on 4750 English 1915-2000 on 4750 Bangla (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Winter B-22 schedule of External Sce of Bangladesh Betar: 1230-1300 on 4750 English 1315-1345 on 4750 Nepali 1400-1430 on 4750 Urdu, inactive at present 1515-1545 on 4750 Hindi 1600-1630 on 4750 Arabic 1630-1730 on 4750 Bangla 1745-1900 on 4750 English 1915-2000 on 4750 Bangla (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

External Service of Bangladesh Betar in English via Shavar, January 10: from 1228 on 4750 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

External Service of Bangladesh Betar in Nepali via Shavar, January 10: from 1314 on 4750 Nepali (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

External Service of Bangladesh Betar in Arabic, Bangla and English via Shavar, January 11: 1600-1630 on 4750 Arabic. 1630-1730 on 4750 Bangla 1745-1900 on 4750 English 1915-2000 on 4750 Bangla (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

4750, Bangladesh Batar heard with fair signal strength but very poor and over modulated audio in English (very hard to understand anything) December 30 at 1745-1900. (Stig Hartvig NielsenDenmarkk/Hard Core DX)

BOLIVIA 3310. Mosoj Chaski. Jan, 17. 0047-0057. Devotional. 35333. (Claudio Galaz-Chile/Hard Core DX)

BRAZIL ZYE890 Radio Voz Missionaria in Portuguese via Camboriu SC, January 5: from 0600 on 9665.4vCAB 010 kW Portuguese At same time 5938.2vCAB 010 kW Radio Voz Missionaria, NO SIGNAL TODAY At same time 11749.6vCAB 001 kW reactivated Voz Missionaria, NO SIGNAL TODAY (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of ZYE855 Radio Legiao da Boa Vontade via Porto Alegre, January 22: from 0945 on 9550v PTA 010 kW Portuguese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of ZYE365 Radio Nacional da Amazonia via Brasilia, January 25: from 0800 on 6180 Portuguese 0800 & 0945 on 11780 Portuguese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0503-0618, 08-01, Brazilian songs, program “Madrugada Musical”. // 11815. 25322. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Belem, 0507-0633, 15-01, Brazilian songs, “Clube da Madrugada, na Radio Clube para Voc”. 35433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

5938.3, Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, 0512-0740, 08-01, religious songs and comments, ID “Voz Missionaria de Comunicacao Santa Catalina”. 34433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

9819.1, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2021-2111, 07-12, religious comments, “A campanha de fraternidade”, “O Ministerio do Santo Padre”. 35433. Also heard 0527-0543, 08-12, religious songs and comments. 25432. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

11749.4, Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, 1902-2040, 07-01, male, female, religious comments and songs, at 1932 ID “4 horas e 33 minutos”, “Voz Missionaria, Santa Catalina”. // 9665.2. 35433. Also heard 0501-0540, 08-01, religious comments, ID “Voz Missionaria, Caixa Postal, Camboriu, Santa Catalina”, religious songs. 354333. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2026-2055, 07-01, Brazilian songs. 33433. Also heard 0910-0935, 08-01, Brazilian songs, at 0914 ID “6 e 14, Radio Brasil Central”. 35433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

11895, Radio Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre, 2045-2107, 07-01, religious songs and comments. // 9550.1. 24322. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 11895, Jan 2. -2200*, R. Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS. Tks, mx. // 9550.091. 2 (Carlos Gonçalves-Portugal/Shortwave Bulletin)

15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1902-2110, 07-01, Brazilian songs, ID “Inconfidencia”. 25422. Also heard 0835-0856, 08-01, Brazilian songs, comments, ID “Radio Inconfidencia”, 35433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 15190. R. Inconfidencia. Jan 17. 0000-0010. ID and music. 35333. (Claudio Galaz-Chile/Hard Core DX)

CHINA 9410, FHBS QSL. Nice to get a Christmas surprise Dec 27 from Fu Hsing BS for a 20 Sept 2022 reception via the Kiwi site at KFS (using the NW antenna). Package included a full data QSL, rcvd in 94 days along with a colorful tourism magnet and a very nice planner / journal leatherette-bound notebook. Probably the most elaborate QSL package received from any SW station in my recent memory, anyway. Report was sent snail mail, but the listed e-mail address is (Bruce Churchill-CA/TopNews)

11800, CNR 2-China Business Radio via Beijing, f/d eQSL received after 3 days for my email report to: (Babul Gupta-India/Asian DX Review)

13770, CNR 7 Radio The Great Bay via Kashi-saibagh, submitted report with audio file to: f/d eQSL received after 5 days. (Babul Gupta-India/Asian DX Review)

15480, CNR 1 Voice of China via Beijing in Chinese logged and send report to: f/d eQSL received after one week. (Babul Gupta, Barasat-India/Asian DX Review)

15390, CNR 13 Lingshi in Uyghur language send report with audio file and eQSL arrived after 2 days for my email report to: (Babul Gupta, Barasat-India/Asian DX Review)

CHINA (Tibet) Reception of PBS Xizang Holy Tibet in English via Lhasa, January 6: 0700-0800 on 9490 English 0700-0800 on 9580 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

CLANDESTINE Canceled clandestine broadcasts via Talata Volonondry: 1730-1800 on 11705 Tigrinya R.Mazariss Sumay 1800-1900 on 11690 Tigrinya Radio ERISAT (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Raadiyyoni Dirree Shaggar in Afan Oromo via TDF Issoudun on January 6: 1600-1630 on 15410* ISS Afan Oromo Mon-Fri * co-channel 15410 ORG Arabic Holy Qur’an px TDA Telediffusion d’Algerie (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation in Afan Oromo via MBR Nauen, January 6: 1700-1730 on 9610 Afan Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Dimtse Radio Erena in Tigrinya via SPL Sofia, January 7: 1700-1800 on 11810 Tigrinya (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Radio NUG of Myanmar in Burmese via Paochung, January 12: 1400-1430 on 11940 Burmese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio DLSN / Vietnam Democracy Radio in Vietnamese via Paochung, January 24: 1230-1258 on 9670 Vietnamese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Radio NUG of Myanmar in Burmese via Paochung, January 18: 1400-1430 on 11940 Burmese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Voice of Martyrs in Korean via RBA Kununurra, January 17: 0900-0930 on 9860 Korean (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Martyrs Korea in English via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 17:: 1500-1530 on 11620* English *or probably 11620 KNX 100 kW English via Reach Beyond Australia – Kununurra tx site? (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Martyrs Korea in English & Dhivehi via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 23: from 1500 on 11620 English/Dhivehi (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Free North Korea in Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 8: 1300-1400 on 11509.9v Korean (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Mizzima Radio via ENC-DMS Tamsui & Dhabbayya from January 26: 0130-0200 on 17755 TSH Burmese, new additional 0300-0430 on 17755 TSH Burmese, ex 0300-0400 1130-1300 on 17730 DHA SEAs Burmese remain unchanged. According to IBB RMS Monitor Mizzima Radio MIZ is on air 0130-0200 & 1130-1200. New broadcaster from January 2: BNI is on air 0300-0430 and 1200-1300 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Mizzima Radio in Burmese via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya, January 23: 1130-1300 on 17730 Burmese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Mizzima Radio and Radio ERGO via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya, January 26: 1130-1300 on 17730.0 Burmese Mizzima Radio 1200-1300 on 17845.1v Somali Radio ERGO (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of National Unity Radio Free Chosun via Tamsui, January 26: 1100-1258 on 5900 Korean (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Ndarason International in French via ENC-DMS Woofferton, January 9: from 1845 on 12050 French (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Ndarason International in Kanuri via ENC-DMS Ascension, January 9: from 1900 on 12050 Kanuri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Ndarason International in French via ENC-DMS Woofferton, January 18: from 0615 on 9535 French (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Frequency changes of JSR Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata 1300-1400 NF 5930, ex 6085 as follows 1300-1400 NF 7280, ex 7345 as follows 1300-1330 Japanese Mon/Tue/Sat/Sun; Korean Thu/Fri and English Wed; 1330-1400 Korean Thu-Sun; Japanese Mon/Tue and English Wed. 1600-1700 NF 5990, ex 5955 as follows 1600-1700 NF 6135, ex 6180 as follows 1600-1630 Japanese Mon/Tue/Sat/Sun; Korean Thu/Fri and English Wed; 1630-1700 Korean Thu-Sun; Japanese Mon/Tue and English Wed.(DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Frequency changes of Furusato no Kaze in Japanese via Yamata 1405-1435 NF 6070 Japanese Dly, ex 7310 1405-1435 NF 7325 Japanese Dly, ex 7290 1705-1805 NF 7340 Japanese Dly, ex 6020 1705-1805 NF 7435 Japanese Dly, ex 7320 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of National Unity Radio Free Chosun via Tamsui, January 12: 1100-1258 on 5900 Korean (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Radio ERGO in Somali via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya, January 23: 1200-1300 on 17845.1v Somali (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

7630, Voice of Martyrs via Tashkent, E-QSL, 1 day. Report sent to this e-mail address: (Alexander Myadel-Belarus via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews)

11540, Radyo Denge Welat (Tashkent) at 0329 with song in language, presumed Kurdish, 0330 man with talk over music, into song. Listed 0330-0430. Good, Jan. 13. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

I tuned the frequency 11540, Radyo Denge Welat, according to the website database. I contacted the broadcaster to make a reception report and a few hours later I received the answer: “Dear Mr.Marsan Fritzen! Thank you very much for your letter, but In our schedule there is no session with a frequency of 11540 kHz. Now there is a repair of the antenna damaged by Ukrainian saboteurs. For this reason, broadcasting on short waves is temporarily stopped. Best regards, Administration of Pridnestrovsky Radiotelecentr.’ I found the answer very interesting, showing very different aspects of the world, through short waves. (Marsan Theobald Fritzen/WRTH FaceBook Page) “The reception Report was sent to the transmitter site, not to Denge Welat. In some cases, it is the person responsible for the transmission site who confirms receipt. As an example, WRMI, several broadcasts are confirmed by it.” “James Clark The transmission of Denge Welat. However, they changed the place of transmission. Just changed the transmitter, which is now in Tashkent. About broadcast content, I don’t understand Kurdish language”

CONGO 6115, Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 1733-1830, 07-01, French, comments, African songs, news, male, female, ID “Congo”, “Radio Congo”. 14321. Also heard 0531-0556, 08-01, French, news, comments, African songs. 15321. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 6115, Radio Congo, Brazzaville, 1801-1638, 19-01, French, news, female, male, ID “Radio Congo”, “Les Congolaises”, “Brazzaville”, at 1829 ID “Radio Congo, Radio Congo”, Africapop and African songs, new ID at 1836 “Chers auditers, Radio Congo…”. 23422. Also heard 0544-0601, 20-01, French, comments. 15321. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

DENMARK 5930, World Music Radio (200W) and 15700 (10W) now again 24 hours 7 days a week. Until further notice? but will change again back to weekends only should electricity cost rise again. Also WMR on 927 (100W) and 25800 (60W) are running 24/7. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen-Denmark/Hard Core DX) Return postage for a printed QSL-card is 5 euro, which can be sent to WMR, P. O. Box 112, DK8960 Randers SØ, Denmark – or via PayPal to Kindly note that reports using remote KiwiSDRs etc are not QSLed; only reports using own equipment. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen 31 Dec)

25800, reception of World Radio Denmark noted between 1300-1315 with uninterrupted music on Jan. 11th. 28 mhz amateur band also open to Europe. Antenna 6 element log periodic. (Bill Smith-MA/Hard Core DX)

ECUADOR 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0445-0500, 08-01, Spanish, Ecuadorian songs, comments, program “Ritmos y Canciones de Nuestra Tierra”, at 0457 anthem and closing at 0500. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0446-0500, 15-01, Spanish, program “Ritmos y Canciones de Nuestra Tierra”, Ecuadorian songs, comments. 35433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

EGYPT Winter B-22 shortwave schedule of ERU Radio Cairo via Abis: 1500-1600 on 9440.0 Albanian 1700-1900 on 9390.0 Turkish 1800-1900 on 9902.6v Italian 1900-2000 on 9410.0 Russian 1900-2000 on 9832.6v German 2000-2115 on 9902.6v French 2115-2245 on 9440.0 English 2215-2330 on 9887.6v Portuguese 2330-0045 on 9902.6v Arabic 0045-0200 on 9902.6v Spanish. Some days no broadcast via Abis. All frequencies have big technical problems such as extreme distortion/low modulation/under-modulation. (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

ENGLAND Reception of USAGM Voice of America in Kurdish on new freq via ENC-DMS Woofferton, January 19: 1400-1500 NF 15595 Kurdish, ex 15600 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

ESWATINI 7410, QSL Trans World Radio Eswatini, E-QSL, 5 days. Report sent to this e-mail address: (Alexander Myadel-Belarus via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews)

11660 and 9585, QSL Trans World Radio Eswatini F/D E-QSL in 6 days. Email address: (Juan Carlos Perez-Spain via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews)

13810, TWR Africa (Manzini) at 1850 in Arabic, man preaching, woman with closing announcements including contact info at 1900, music to IS at 1902 and off. Good but deteriorating quickly, Dec. 30. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

ETHIOPIA 6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 0447-0455, 08-01, Vernacular, comments, 25422. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

7110, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1750-1819, 07-01, East African sons, Vernacular, comments. Ham QRM. 32432. Also 0458-0520, 08-01, Vernacular, comments. Ham QRM. 33433. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

FRANCE Winter B-22 schedule of TDF Issoudun relays: Radio Oeoemrang on February 21, 2023: 1600-1700 on 15215 Frisian dialect/German/English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

NHK World Japan Network Radio Japan+ 0200-0400 on 6105 Japanese 0300-0500 on 7265 Japanese 0430-0500 on 9865 English Mon-Fri 0500-0530 on 9865 English Sat/Sun 0530-0550 on 7450 French 0530-0550 on 13840 French 0600-0620 on 6165 Arabic 0800-1000 on 15290 Japanese 0900-1000 on 15290 Japanese 1430-1450 on 13725 Persian 1700-1900 on 6000 Japanese 1700-1900 on 11945 Japanese 1900-2100 on 15130 Japanese 2030-2050 on 9855 French (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Deutsche Welle: 0630-0700 on 9830 Hausa 0630-0700 on 11800 Hausa 1300-1400 on 17800 Hausa 1425-1630 on 15195 Hausa Sat Bundesliga 1425-1630 on 17840 Hausa Sat Bundesliga 1600-1700 on 9810 Amharic December 1-February 20 1600-1700 on 11830 Amharic 1600-1700 on 15275 Amharic 1800-1900 on 11980 Hausa 1800-1900 on 15215 Hausa (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

GERMANY Very good signal of Bible Voice Broadcasting via MBR Nauen, January 6: 0500-0515 on 9450 Arabic/English Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Evangelische Missions Gemeinden EMG via MBR Nauen, January 8: 1130-1200 on 6055 German Sat/Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting in Dari via MBR Nauen, January 8: 1430-1445 on 11900 Dari Tue/Thu/Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Bible Voice Broadcasting in English via MBR Nauen, January 21: 1400-1500 on 11900 English Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Very good signal of HCJB Voice of The Andes in Russian and Chechen via MBR Nauen, January 14: 1530-1630 on 9500 Russian/Chechen Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Additional frequencies of USAGM Radio Farda: 1630-2000 on 9910 BIB Persian 1800-2030 on 12005 BIB Persian (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of USAGM Voice of America in Kurdish on new freq via Biblis, January 19: 1200-1250 NF 15595 Kurdish Sun-Thu, ex 9370 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

GUAM Reception of Trans World Radio India in English & Hindi via KTWR Agana, January 24: 1245-1300 on 13740 English Mon-Fri 1301-1309 on 13740 Hindi Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

KTWR Trans World Radio Asia realy DXers Diary in English via Agana, January 15: from 1101 on 11965 English Wed (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

KTWR Trans World Radio Asia/Friendship Radio in Japanese via Agana, January 1: from 1217 on 9975 Japanese Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Vietnamese via Agana, January 1: from 1246 on 11550 Vietnamese Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

KTWR Trans World Radio Asia Dxers Diary in English in DRM mode via Agana, January 1: 1502-1546 on 15205 English Sun DRM (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Mongolian via Agana on January 5: from 1044 on 12120 Mongolian (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English via Agana, January 8: from 1101 on 11965 English Sun-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Chinese via Agana, January 6: from 1159 on 9910 Chinese Sun-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in English via Agana, January 10: 1245-1301 on 13740 English Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Trans World Radio India in Hindi via KTWR Agana, January 5: 1301-1309 on 13740 Hindi Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia in Chinese via Agana, January 6: from 1301 on 9975 Chinese Daily (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Trans World Radio India in Mawchi via KTWR Agana, January 5: 1400-1415 on 13740 Mawchi Thu/Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

13660, QSL KTWR Merizo Guam, F/D QSL card in 44 days. E-mail address: (Carlos Alberto Erdmann-Brazil via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews)

INDIA All India Radio External Service in Bangla/Swahili via Bengaluru, January 18: 1203-1215 on 15030 open carrier / dead air & then Bangla UNSCHEDULED 1215-1315 on 15030 Swahili (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

All India Radio / External Service in Dari via Bengaluru, January 15: 1330-1500 on 9950 BGL Dari (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of All India Radio External Service in French via Bengaluru in AM mode, January 18: 1930-2030 on 9620 French, instead of DRM mode (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

All India Radio in Swahili & Dari via Bengaluru, January 24: from 1217 on 15030 Swahili from 1330 on 9950 Dari (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

  1. All India Radio (Bengaluru) at 0303 in Nepali with songs. Poor, Jan. 13. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

INDONESIA Reception of Voice of Indonesia in Dutch, French and English via Palangkaraya/Jakarta, January 11: 1900-2000 on 3325 PGA 010 kW Dutch 2000-2100 on 3325 PGA 010 kW French 2000-2100 on 4750 JAK 010 kW French 2100-2200 on 3325 PGA 010 kW English. Good signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand 2100-2200 on 4750 JAK 010 kW English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

RRI shortwave broadcast requests in A23 season from March 26: 3325 at 1700-0600 RRI 4750 at 0200-0500 RRI 7290 at 0500-0800 RRI Note the low transmitting power of Nabire 1, Jakarta Cimanggis 3 or Palang Karaya 40 kW; – and antenna type ITU #700 i.e. ‘Curtain antenna, arrays of horizontal half-wave dipoles, centre fed, without reflector.. ‘ (TopNewsJan 25)

3325, reception of Voice of Indonesia in English via Palangkaraya, Dec 27 at 1300-1400 PGA 10 kW non-dir to SoEaAS in English. Fair/good via SDR Jakarta in Indonesia. (Ivo Ivanov-Bulgaria direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Dec 28)

IRAN The website of IRIB is no more available at due to US and international restrictions (dot com is US based). Please try now (Walter Eibl-Germany/Worldwide DX Club)

KOREA (South) Reception of KBS World Radio in English via Kimjae on January 7: 1245-1300 on 15575 10 min dead air & 5 min IS/ID in Eng/Kor, 1300-1400 on 15575 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KBS World Radio in English via Kimjae, January 11: 1300-1400 on 9570 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of KBS World Radio in Russian via Kimjae on January 10: 1300-1400 on 9645Russian (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

11880, KBS World Radio in Spanish, logged this station on 9th August and send reception report along with audio file to their Web form: f/d eQSL received after 3 months. (Babul Gupta, Barasat-India/Asian DX Review)

KUWAIT Winter B-22 shortwave schedule of Radio Kuwait: 0200-0630 on 5959.8 Arabic General Service 0500-0800 on 11969.7* English DRM 0500-0800 on 15530.0 English 0500-0900 on 15515.0* Arabic General Service 0800-1000 on 7249.8 Persian 0945-1330 on 15109.7 Arabic General Sce DRM 1000-1200 on 17760.0* Filipino 1055-1330 on 9749.8 Arabic General Service 1355-1600 on 11629.7* Arabic Holy Qur’an Sce 1600-1800 on 15540.0 Urdu 1600-2100 on 6050.0* Arabic General Service 1700-2000 on 13650.0* Arabic General Sce DRM 1800-2100 on 15539.7 English DRM 2000-2400 on 17550.0* Arabic General Service * inactive transmissions (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Frequency changes of USAGM Radio Liberty RL and Voice of America VOA via Kuwait 1400-1600 NF 5880 Turkmen Daily Radio Liberty, ex 6060 2130-2200 NF 11830 Bambara Mon-Fri Voice of America, ex 5885 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

MADAGASCAR 11650, Radio Tamazuj (Talata Volonondry) at 0333 in Sudanese Arabic, man and woman, music bridge, into presumed news. Good, Jan. 13. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

MALI 5995, Radio Nacionale de Mali, Bamako, very good on 5995 often. The 31 m outlet is difficult here, but noted with sign on at 0800 on December 28. Very weak in French. (Stig Hartvig NielsenDenmark/Hard Core DX)

MEXICO 6185, Radio Educacion, Ciudad de Mexico, 0542-0810, 08-01, comments, “Nuestro reportaje”, ID “Radio Educacion, a continuacion les presentamos…”, songs, classical music. From 0800 strong QRM from Radio Nacional da Amazonia on 6180. 24432. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

MONGOLIA 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 0940-1009, 08-01, Mongolian songs and comments, at 1000 interval signal, Chinese program. 15421. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 0900-0915, 15-01, English program, news, comments, Mongolian songs. 25322. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

MYANMAR Reception of Thazin Radio Regional Sce in Paoh via Naypyidaw, January 3: from 0730 on 9590 Paoh (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Myanmar Radio in Burmese on wrong freq via Yangoon, January 5: from 0830 on 5985* Burmese * instead of 9730 YAN 050 kW / 356 deg to SEAs Burmese Myanmar Radio Winter/Summer period (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Myanmar Radio in English via Yangoon, January 5: from 1531 on 5985 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

NETHERLANDS New registered frequencies of R. Piepzender, Zwolle: 0000-2400 on 13865 ZWO 003 kW Dutch Daily TEST 0000-2400 on 17515 ZWO 001 kW Dutch Daily TEST 0000-2400 on 18925 ZWO 003 kW Dutch Daily TEST (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Licensed low-power station Radio Delta International, Elburg, has been inactive for some time because of Covid, but is recovering and resuming SW broadcasts. Transmissions will be irregular but Delta will be on the air most weekends. The planned schedule over the Christmas/New Year weekends is 0700-1600 on 6020 and 11730, 11730 also will be on air in the evening for intercontinental DX tests. Delta is working with Radio Monique International on 918, they are using Delta’s transmitter and equipment (100 watt PEP), in the evening you can hear international shows on 918. (Delta Radio direct & via Peter Jones & Manuel Mendez 17 Dec/British DX Club)

Mike Radio, Heerde, has registered a new schedule in HFCC from 25 December: 0000-1600 Sun/irreg 5870 1600-2400 Sun/irreg 5840 (alt 3940) Mike Radio registers with the HFCC but is not licensed by the Dutch Telecom Agency. (British DX Club)

Radio Onda, Via a EMail for reception in NZ. “Got a few reports from Japan, where they manage to hear our radio briefly, I think that is some kind of atmospheric window that reflects the signal and make it bounce around on the distance, we will send you a paper QSL card by post if you provide the postal address, By the way, our radio is off now due to a change of transmission site, will be back on air next year around Feb or March, also with a new frequency, 9530, that is more likely that you could catch again the signal sometimes. Regards, Julio”. (Via John Durham-New Zealand/New Zealand DX Times)

6140, Radio Onda, Borculo is out of the air for the last weeks. According with an email received from the station, they are working in maintenance, changing the antenna site and other improvements. They planned to be on air again on March or a bit later. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX)

NEW ZEALAND B-22 schedule of Radio New Zealand RNZ Pacific: AM mode Daily 2059-0558 on 15720 English 0559-0858 on 13755 English 1259-1650 on 7390 English AM mode Mon-Fri 0859-1258 on 13755 English AM mode Sat/Sun 0859-1258 on 13755 English AM mode Sun-Fri 1651-1755 on 9700 English 1756-2058 on 11725 English AM mode Saturday 1651-1758 on 9700 English 1759-1958 on 11725 English 1959-2058 on 15720 English DRM mode Sun-Fri 1651-1755 on 9780 English 1756-1858 on 11690 English 1859-2058 on 13840 English. The transmitter site of RNZ Pacific is at Rangitaiki. Audio is fed to the transmitter by a digital link from the studios. The transmission operation includes a control and telemetry system operating through a standard RS232 computer port. The site is unmanned & is controlled from studio of RNZ Pacific Wellington NOTE: Expect schedule changes from time to time to take account of propagation to our target audience. Every month on the first Wednesday 2230 to Thursday 0600 (Thursday 1030-1800 NZST) is maintenance day at site Rangitaiki. During this period there may be interruptions of Radio New Zealand Pacific transmissions. (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

15720, RNZ Pacific (Rangitaiki) at 0227 carrying BBC program, 0228 announcement about leaving BBC and returning to RNZ programming, into music. Good, Jan. 13. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

NIGERIA 7255, Voice of Nigeria sign on December 31 at 0608. Audio issues seem to have been solved. Previously very weak or inaudible audio. But today very clear and strong. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen/Denmark/Hard Core DX)

NORFOLK ISLAND Yesterday (Jan 9) I talked to Nick, VK9DX, on 40M SSB. He confirmed that he still interested in putting Norfolk Island on the air. He is looking for a 1kw transmitter to air on 5055. Nick spends 6 months on Norfolk and 6 months in Sydney (VK2DX). (Bill Smith, W1OW/Hard Core DX) Much as I would love to see a broadcaster from Norfolk Island on the air, 5055 is already occupied by 4KZ in Innisfail, Queensland, which occasionally makes it into this part of the world. Can he find another channel? (Art Delibert-MD/Hard Core DX)

Radio DX transmitting from Norfolk Island on 5045, January 11: 1020 & 1024 on 5045 DX test (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

NORTHERN MARIANAS ISLAND Frequency change of Voice of America in Korean via Tinian: 1900-2100 NF 9575 Korean, ex 9975. Parallel freq.7465 PHT and 9800 PHT Korean (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

PALAU Winter B-22 shortwave schedule of T8WH, Medorn: T8WH Angel 3 Medorn

0835-0905 on 9930 Music Hope Radio Mon TEST

0850-0920 on 9930 Music Hope Radio Tue-Fri TEST

T8WH Angel 4 Medorn

0110-0235 on 15680 English Hope Radio Sat

0110-0350 on 15680 English Hope Radio Sun

T8WH Angel 5 Medorn 0805-0835 on 9965 English Hope Radio Mon 0805-0850 on 9965 English Hope Radio Tue-Fri 0840-1005 on 9965 English Hope Radio Sat 0810-1205 on 9965 English Hope Radio Sun 0830-0845 on 9965 Chinese Fri Truth Talks 1130-1200 on 9965 Korean Sun Omegaman (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Good signal of Hope Radio in English/Chinese via T8WH Angel 5 Medorn, January 13: from 0812 on 9965 HBN English MFC Worldwide from 0830 on 9965 HBN Chinese Fri Truth Talks (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

PERU 4750, R. Huanta 2000. Jan, 17. 0057-0105. News, and ads. . 45343. (Claudio Galaz-Chile/Hard Core DX)

4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0002-0014, 08-01, Peruvian songs, Spanish, comments. 15321. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0008-0016, 15-01, Peruvian songs. 15321. (Manuel Mendez-Spain/Hard Core DX) 4775. R. Tarma. Jan 17, 0104-0110. Music. 45444. (Claudio Galaz-Chile/Hard Core DX)

4810 Radio Logos from Peru has reactivated. Heard Jan, 17 at 0110-0137. Devotional. (Claudio Galaz/Hard Core DX)

PHILIPPINES Vatican Radio Mass in Chinese via USAGM Tinang, January 7: 1230-1310 on 7485 Chinese Mass Sat 1230-1310 on 9720 Chinese Mass Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Very good signal of FEBC in Chinese via Bocaue, January 9: 1000-1600 on 9275 Chinese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Very good signal of FEBC in Chinese via Iba on January 9: 1400-1600 on 9345 Chinese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Very good signal of FEBC in Uyghur via Bocaue, January 9: 1430-1500 on 9940 Uyghur (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Radio Pilipinas PBS via Tinang, January 11: 1730-1930 on 9925 Tagalog 1730-1930 on 12120 Tagalog 1730-1930 on 15190 Tagalog (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

ROMANIA Winter B-21 schedule of NEXUS IRRS Shortwave via Radiocom: NEXUS IRRS SW European Gospel Radio/United Nations Radio & other: 1030-1300 on 9510 SAF English Sun tx#1 NEXUS IRRS SW Radio City The Station of the Cars 0900-1000 on 9510 SAF German Sat tx#1 NEXUS IRRS SW Oromia National Media Arraata Biyyoolessa Oromiyaa 1600-1629 on 15385 GAL Afan Oromo Mon-Wed/Fri/Sat tx#2 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio City/The Station of the Cars in German via RADIOCOM Saftica, January 21: 0900-1000 on 9510 German 3rd Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

RUSSIA Winter B-22 shortwave schedule of Radio Purga / Chukotka: 2000-2200 on 6025 K/A 020 kW Russian DRM mode 2200-0100 on 11860 K/A 020 kW Russian DRM mode 0100-0600 on 15325 K/A 020 kW Russian DRM mode 0600-1000 on 6025 K/A 020 kW Russian DRM mode (Anatoly Klepov-Russia RUSdx #1219 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 9)

SAO TOME Frequency change of USAGM Voice of America VOA via Pinheira: 1030-1100 NF 17775 Somali Daily, ex 15710 1400-1500 NF 17530 Kirundi Sat/Sun, x 9885 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

SOLOMON ISLANDS Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation via Honiara, January 2: from 0900 on 5020 HON 010 kW All Pacific English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

SRI LANKA 11905, Radio Sri Lanka (Trincomalee) came on the air at 0159 with Hindi singing to 0202 then woman with announcements, back to songs. Good, Jan. 13. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

TAIWAN Reception of Radio France International in Vietnamese via Paochung, January 1: 1300-1358 on 9650 Vietnamese (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Fu Hsing BS in Chinese CUSB mode via Kuanyin , January 3: from 0800 on 9410 Chinese CUSB (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Taiwan International in Amoy via Paochung, January 4: 0900-1000 on 9400 Amoy 0900-1000 on 12065 Amoy (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of USAGM Radio Free Asia in Khmer via Paochung, January 20: 1230-1330 on 11885 Khmer (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

From 1 January 2023 Radio Taiwan International’s Korean Service will be transmitted with the following frequency changes. 1030-1058 / 9570, 2200-2230 / 6085 & 2300-2330 / 9570. (British DX Club)

Rumen Pankov writes: On 29 October I received 13 envelopes with 20 QSLs from Radio Taiwan International for reports sent between July 2020 and October 2022: 8 envelopes with 8 QSLs from the Russian Service; 3 from the French Service with 7 QSLs and 2 from the German Service with 5 QSLs. The delay was due to the Covid situation when mail from Taiwan was suspended. (Rumen Pankov-Bulgaria via “Communication” monthly magazine Jan 2023, BrDXC.UK iogroups Jan 16)

THAILAND HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service in Thai via Udorn Thani, January 9: 1800-1830 on 7475 Thai 1930-1945 on 7475 Thai (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service in English via Udorn Thani, January 9: 1830-1930 on 7475 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

TURKEY Instead of the traditional English name Turkey (pronounced “Terki”), all official documents use the word Turkiye – this is how the name of the country is pronounced in Turkish. Turkey has been actively promoting its image and its products on the world market for several years in order to achieve maximum recognition of the country as a brand. The change in the name of the state is intended to formally finalize this PR campaign of Ankara. In particular, the country continues to actively promote the brand “Turk mal” (“Made in Turkiye”) in the world. In June 2022, the official representative of the UN Secretary General, Stephane Dujarric, announced that the world organization had satisfied Turkey’s official request to change the name of the republic in all official documents in foreign languages so that it was written in accordance with Turkish phonetic norms. QSL card of the Russian service Golos Turkie. Oct 03, 2022; 1400-1454 for 9410. (Anatoly Klepov-Russia RUSdx #1219 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 9)

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 15215, QSL Gaweylon Tibetan Radio, via ENC Dhabbaya, F/D E-QSL in 14 days. E-mail address: (Carlos Alberto Erdmann-Brazil via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews) 15215, QSL Gaweylon Tibetan Radio via ENC Dhabbaya, E-QSL, 18 days. Report sent to this e-mail address: (Alexander Myadel-Belarus via DX Fanzine #112/TopNews)

UNITED KINGDOM Canceled shortwave transmissions of BBC Bengali Service: 1330-1400 on 9510 SNG Bengali from January 1 1330-1400 on 9900 TAC Bengali from January 1 1330-1400 on 11750 SLA Bengali from January 1 1630-1700 on 7265 SLA Bengali from January 1 1630-1700 on 9585 SNG Bengali from January 1 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

USA WMLK Radio broadcasting six days a week: 9275 from 1700-2200 15150 from 0400-0900 (The Sacred Name Broadcaster)

Reception of Voice of Indonesia in English via WRMI#13 Okeechobee, January 18: 0800-0900 on 7780 English Sun-Thu (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

WRMI-07 relay Radio Africa Network in English via Okeechobee, January 25: 1500-2100 on 17790 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Good signal of WMLK Radio Assemblies of Yahweh via Bethel, January 25: 1700-2200 on 9275 English Mon-Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Indonesia in Indonesian/English via WRMI#13 Okeechobee, January 26: 0800-0900 on 7780 English Sun-Thu (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Additional The Mighty KBC Broadcasts after Sunday airing 2200-2400 on 5950 English Sun WRMI-08 Repeat broadcasts of The Mighty KBC via WRMI Okeechobee as follows: 0200-0300 on 5850 English Sun WRMI-12 1600-1700 on 15770 English Wed WRMI-09 1100-1200 on 15770 English Fri WRMI-09 0200-0300 on 5850 English Sat WRMI-12 0800-0900 on 7780 English Sat WRMI-13 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Additional transmission of The Mighty KBC via Okeechobee: 0000-0200 on 9455 English Sun WRMI-05 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of WJHR Radio International in English in USB mode via Milton, January 2: 1400-2200 on 15555 English USB Daily (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Frequency change of USAGM Voice of America VOA in Kurdish, various locations: 1200-1250 NF 15595 BIB Kurdish Su-Th, x 9370 1400-1500 NF 15595 WOF Kurdish Daily, x 15600 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Reception of Vatican Radio in Spanish via USAGM Greenville, January 23: 1214-1230 on 7305 16 minutes dead air for 15 minutes broadcast! 1230-1245 on 7305 Spanish (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

WRMI relaying Israel Radio. WRMI has started carrying Israel Radio (Kan) in English, the broadcast is aired daily from 0500-0600 on 7730 and 15770. (British DX Club)

WRMI has added new 4980 from 0200-0500 carrying the WRMI Legends programming. This switched to 5085 for a few days in mid December, but has reverted to 4980 now that WTWW is planning to resume on 5085 from 15 January (see WTWW below) (British DX Club)

WTWW transmitter repairs George McClintock of WTWW is carrying out repairs to the SW transmitters which have been silent since the station’s abrupt closure on 10 November. He had originally said that they would be sold. But reports via Glenn Hauser at World of Radio indicate that repairs are being carried out with a view to resuming SW broadcasts. On 18 December he wrote: Our return to 5085 is set for 15 January 2023. The 5085 transmitter is in total disrepair. Modules are being repaired. It is expected to return at 100 KW. (George McClintock WTWW via Glenn Hauser/British DX Club)

7780, Voice of Indonesia via WRMI. Dec 31, 0800+ UT: VOI – Channel II relay in English from WRMI; very brief news (ASEAN item); after the news, as usual, played patriotic song “Bagimu Negeri”; numerous VOI IDs; YL DJ with the majority of the programming being pop Western style songs; mentioned “last day of 2022”; OM wishing “R-R-I” listeners a Happy New Year; 0815, world weather report, starting with Banjarmasin, etc.; several brief spots (not programs!) about indigenous music and foods; 0830, “Newsflash,” weather warning. Certainly this is NOT the relay of VOI – Channel I, as noted on 3325; as heard from 1300 to 1400, in English. I would say that Channel I has more indigenous information about Indonesia, while Channel II has more of a Western style flavor to it. (Ron Howard-CA)

UZBEKISTAN Bible Voice Broadcasting in English via MBR Tashkent, January 21: 1200-1230 on 11800 English Sat (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Bible Voice Broadcasting in English via MBR Tashkent, January 8: 1230-1245 on 15209.8v Bahasa Malay Sun (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Bible Voice Broadcasting in English via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 13: 1300-1330 on 11590 English Mon-Wed (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

BVBroadcasting in English/Korean via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, January 20: 1300-1315 on 11590 English Fri. Fair signal via SDR Daejeon, Korea South 1315-1330 on 11590 Korean Fri (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

VANUATU VTBC Radio Vanuatu in English/Bislama on wrong freq via Port Vila, January 2: from 0900 on 7260 PVL 2.5 kW All Pacific English/Bislama, instead of 3945 & respectively no signal on 2nd/3rd harmonic 7890/11835 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Radio Vanuatu via Port Vila, January 11: from 0900 on 3945 PVL 2.5 kW Bislama from 0900 on 7890 (2nd harmonic of 3945) Bislama from 0900 on 11835 (3rd harmonic of 3945) Bislama (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

VATICAN 15565, Vatican Radio (SM Galleria) at 1630 sign-on in English, into church news. Fair, echo, //13830 via Madagascar poor-fair, Dec. 30. (Harold Sellers-BC/DXplorer)

VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam 5 External Service in French via Sontay, January 12: 1200-1228 on 7285 French (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Vietnam 5 External Service in English via Sontay, January 13: 1000-1028 on 9840 English 1000-1028 on 12020 English, NOT ON AIR (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Vietnam 5 External Service in English via Sontay, January 17: 1230-1258 on 9840 English 1230-1258 on 12020 English, NOT ON AIR (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Voice of Vietnam 5 External Service in English via Sontay, January 17: 1330-1358 on 9840 English 1330-1358 on 12020 English (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

ZAMBIA Winter B-22 shortwave schedule of Voice of Hope Africa Lusaka: 0400-0800 on 9680 English Daily tx#1 0400-0800 on 11680 English Daily tx#2 1200-1400 on 9680 Swahili Daily tx#1 1400-1600 on 6065 English Daily tx#2 1400-1600 on 9680 English Daily tx#1 1600-2100 on 4965 English Daily tx#1 1600-2100 on 6065 English Daily tx#2 (DX Mix-Bulgaria)

Schedules, news and other information about shortwave broadcasting activity can be send to Richard A D’Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610 or via e-mail to (please indicate in the subject that your contribution is for Listeners Notebook). Thanks! 73, Rich

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