NASWA Journal Columns · NASWA Notes, March 2019

Richard D’Angelo • 2216 Burkey Drive • Wyomissing, PA 19610 rdangelo3◊

NASWA Notes, March 2019

Last Updated on March 25, 2023 by Rich Cuff

As we go to press, the 32nd annual Winter SWL Festival is about to commence at the Doubletree Suites Philadelphia West, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. The event runs from February 28th through March 2nd 2019. Co-FESTmeisters Rich Cuff and John Figliozzi have assembled another outstanding group of speakers to host our forum sessions. Another good group of attendees is expected at this important radio event. We will have a complete report in next month’s Journal recapping the event’s of #32.

Michael Schmitz of the ADDX in Germany informs us that his club has digitized a whole bunch of new WRTHs and is offering them for sale. We’d like to inform you that we have digitized much more volumes of the WRTH and offer them for sale: WRTH-CD 1 (1947-1958); WRTH-CD 2 (1959-1970); WRTH-CD 3 (1971-1982); and WRTH-CD 4 (1983-1994). The price is 49 Euro each. We also offer bundles: Two CDs will cost 80 Euro and 3 CDs 119 Euro. Perhaps you are interestet in our brand new WRTH-Mega-DVD which covers all editions published from 1947-1998 – the first 52 (!) years of the handbook. Also the bonus-material of the DVD is worth a look: many “summer editions”of the handbook, several editions of the WRTH-publication “How to listen to the World”, and all editions of the WRTH which were published in the 1950ies in German and in 1960 in Spanish. Last but not least you will find on this DVD some of the WRTH predecessors, which the former editor, O. Lund. Johansen, published during 1927 and 1945. This DVD gives you a unique insight into the history of global radio. Its an essential tool for everyone interested in the history and development of international broadcasting. A full-text search-function is integrated. Also a print of the books is possible. The price of the WRTH-DVD 1947-1998: 149 Euro: (incl. shipment worldwide via airmail). Orders: Please write an email with your postal address to and transfer the money to the ADDX account at Deutsche Bank Duesseldorf, Germany. IBAN: DE25 3007 0024 0868 6800 00 BIC: DEUT DE DB DUE. Shipment of the DVD will be done directly after the reception of the money. Payment via Paypal upon request. Please write to: “” or to ADDX, Scharsbergweg 14, 41189 Mönchengladbach, Germany.

With the possibility of South Africa closing its shortwave facilities by the end of March, John Herkimer decided to put together a cover featuring shortwave broadcasting from that country while it was still an “active” radio country. I remember the Radio RSA days of yore as well as South African Broadcasting Corporation. Sentech is the current transmitter operator that may be facing a difficult future if a major client, the BBC, station departs. We will know more over the next few weeks about the future of shortwave broadcasting from South Africa. In the meantime enjoy the cover of this active shortwave radio country!

Early September seems to be the time of year for radio gatherings. From the Worldwide DX Club in Germany we learn that the 2019 European DX Council (“EDXC”) Conference will take place in Andorra, over the weekend of September 6th to 8th. They are still at the planning stages of organizing accommodation, visits, talks and other travel arrangements. All EDXC members and other DXers plus EDXC member organizations’ partners, significant others and any friends who may also wish to experience the fun of an EDXC conference and the opportunities to explore before, during and after the conference itself. Andorra is a small (468 sq km) and mountainous principality, nestled in the Pyrenees between France and Spain. It should be exciting event in another new destination. Chrissy Brand, the new Secretary-General, and Christian Ghibaudo, the new Assistant Secretary-General, invite all interested radio hobbyists to attend this year’s gathering in Andorra. Also, the 2019 IRCA Convention will be held on September 5, 6 and 7, 2019 at the Courtyard by Marriott Seattle Southceneter, 400 Andover Park West, Tukwila, WA 98188 hosted by Mike Sanburn ( Registration is free but the banquet, which will be determined later, will be paid for individually. Guest room rate is $109.00 plus tax. Call for room reservations 800-321-2211 or 206-575-2500 mentioning the International Radio Club of American to get that room rate.

The World Radio Television Handbook (“WRTH”) has published its B-18 International schedule updates. A pdf update was made available in February 2019 of the B18 schedules given in WRTH 2019 can now be downloaded from the WRTH website. Follow the International Radio Latest Updates link on the menu on the left hand side of the WRTH homepage at: Many of the updates are included in this month;s Listeners Notebook.

Gayle Van Horn W4GVH, CEO/Vice President Teak Publishing tells us that now is a celebratory year for the WWV stations. The fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget includes full funding for the stations, which also mark their 100th year this fall. The WWV Centennial Committee has a tentative agreement with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) to mount a special event station this fall adjacent to the WWV site in Colorado to mark the 100th anniversary of the time and frequency standard station, the world’s oldest continuously operating radio station. The NIST budget for WWV, WWVH, and WWVB will remain level for FY 2019. Dave Swartz of the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (“NCARC”) heads the committee, which is developing plans for an NCARC special event from September 28 through October 2, with a NIST centennial observance tentatively set for October 1. Although the US government cannot fund any Amateur Radio special event expenses, the club members will be allowed to use a 15-acre parcel on WWV property, Swartz explained on the WWV Centennial website. “The operating site lies outside the security fence and simplifies logistics,” he said. Swartz hopes that other clubs in Colorado will be able to pitch in to make the WWV Centennial a success. The WWV Centennial Committee will meet again on February 22.

That’s it for this month. Enjoy this month’s edition of the JOURNAL; it’s another good one.

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