NASWA Awards, February 1998
Last Updated on December 8, 2005 by Ralph Brandi
Howdy! I hope you Holidays were everything you wanted them to be and hope you managed to get some time at the dials. DX season started slowly for me this year-just too much work stuff interfering with the radio stuff-but got a major boost when I was part of the HATDX team at the DX Palace in Buxton, on the outer banks of North Carolina. The DX and the tuning oil flowed and a great experience was had by all. From this prime location we were able to log all the Indian transmitters as well as a buncha other really good catches. If you have not gone on a DXpedition you owe it to yourself to do it: not only is the radioing fun but so is the conversation and the occasion.
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NASWA Awards (North American DX Championships), February 1998
Last Updated on October 13, 2005 by Ralph Brandi
The 1998 North American DX Championships (NADXC)
A Shortwave Listening Contest Sponsored by The Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC)
This contest is designed to promote the shortwave listening hobby and to provide those SWLs and DXers interested in competing an opportunity to participate in a carefully run, challenging contest.
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See other NASWA Awards columns.
Shortwave Center, February 1998
Last Updated on February 22, 2006 by Ralph Brandi
Radio Canção Nova
(Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil)
Pedro M. C. de Castro
Lorena – SP – Brazil
The Valley of Paraiba River is a long strip of flat lands in Brazil, just above the Tropic of Capricorn and near the Atlantic Ocean. From centuries, it has been the natural path between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Several cities were born in this zone, from small to big ones.
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Shortwave Center (Photos), February 1998
Last Updated on December 8, 2005 by Ralph Brandi
Radio Canção Nova Pictures
(Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil)

Pedro M. C. de Castro
Lorena – SP – Brazil
These pictures accompany the article about Radio Canç–o Nova printed in the February, 1998 issue of the NASWA Journal.
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