NASWA Journal Columns · Easy Listening, October 1997

John Figliozzi • 45 Algonquin Rd. • Clifton Park, NY 12065 jfiglio1◊

Easy Listening, October 1997

Last Updated on October 13, 2005 by Ralph Brandi

Sorry, no time or space for chitchat!…Editor’s orders! [Sorry-Ed.]

On BBC World Service This Month

Listings are for the Americas/Europe stream. Days and times are in UTC. Frequencies for North America at different times of the day include 5965, 5975, 6175, 6195, 9515, 9590, 9895, 11750, 11865, 15220 and 17840. In a few cases, programs can be heard via the Americas/Europe stream only on frequencies intended for Europe. These are denoted with an * and these frequencies usually are listenable at times in parts of North America: 17640, 15575, 15485, 12095, 9410 and 7325. Times marked with an # means that the program also can be heard in western North America via the Asia stream on 9740.

Drug Watch

Last month, World Service began a major new educational project consisting of nearly 200 programs in 21 different languages on the subject of drugs.

On Oct. 4 and 5, Play of the Week presents Looking for Mr. Big, a complex drama of plays within a play weaving fantasy and fiction in a bid to find out just who Mr. Big is…and who is to blame for the havoc which heroin reaps. (Sat. 2230; repeated Sun. 0530, 1830)

Beginning Oct. 26, The Deal With Drugs is an 8-part Learning Zone series targeted to 12 year olds and up that seeks to tell the truth about illegal drugs in a clear, objective and unemotional way. (Sun 2310; repeated Tue. 0915)

Voices for Hospices Special

On October 18 at 7:30 pm local time around the world, hospice supporters in 42 countries will give over 500 performances of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s The Messiah. These concerts will represent the largest relay singing event in history and dramatically demonstrate global support for the humane and dignified treatment that terminally ill people receive through hospices. On October 18 at 1930, World Service will present a live broadcast of a London performance of part of The Messiah by professional and amateur singers from around the world to commemorate the day.

On October 17 and 19, the regular weekly program Music Review will have special coverage of the event following some of the thousands of men and women in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres as they prepare for their local performances of the Hallelujah Chorus. (Fri. 0730; repeated Sun. 0230, 2130)

On Other Topics…

Beginning October 5, Shakespeare on Trial re-examines the playwright’s reputation from a global and contemporary point of view in a three week series. (Sun. 1630)

Premiering October 11 and 12, Worldplay is the first international festival of English language drama on radio. This five week series presents five plays made by drama producers from across the English-speaking world. This month, A Lapse in Behavior from Australia is a comedy about a fastidious piano teacher who comes in contact with an utterly tuneless and tasteless pupil. Mourning Dove is an original play for radio produced by the CBC exploring the issue of euthanasia. City of Hands from New Zealand is a study of human nature based on an unusual advertising promotion requiring contestants to keep their hands on a car with the contestant doing so for the longest time receiving the car as prize. (Sat. 2230; repeated Sun. 0530, 1830)

Beginning October 14 and 16 is a new nine program series of Poems by Post, a unique poetry request program permitting listeners to request a reading of their favorite poems. (Tue. 0145; repeated Thu. 0530 [until Oct. 23], 0915)

Commencing October 18 and 20 is a three-part series entitled Park Bench and Company which highlights a selection of writings from The New Yorker, a magazine at the forefront of American humor between the 1920s and the 1960s. (Sat. 1901; repeated Mon. 0330)

Starting October 25 and 27, Heritage returns with a series of six new programs reporting on archaeological excavations, museums and the conservation of historic buildings around the world. Malcolm Billings visits Delhi, the site of the biggest overseas exhibition ever mounted by The British Museum; celebrates the 1500th anniversary of St. Augustine’s Christian mission at Canterbury Cathedral; explores a little known section of medieval Cairo; views art treasures in Venice; meets enthusiasts of aviation archaeology; and joins the Syrian cultural tourism boom at the citadel at Homs. (Sat. 1030; repeated Mon. 0530, 2130)

Also premiering October 24 and 26 is Cross Questioned, a new panel game that can be termed a crossword puzzle of the air. (Sat. 0130, repeated 0730 and Mon. 1830)

On October 28, The Way to the West previews the settings and characters of the World Service’s new twice-weekly drama, Westway, that will start in November. (Tue. 0030; repeated 0815, 1515/Thu. 0815; repeated 1515, Fri. 0030)

Starting October 31, Major Killers, a new Learning Zone series, will present a practical guide to the world’s six most fatal illnessesheart disease, stroke, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrhea and malariaand their treatments, cures and prevention. (Fri. 1230)

Some continuing series

Commencing October 5 and 8, Concert Hall returns with an examination of the music, life and and career of the Russian pianist, Sviatoslav Richter. (Sun. 1515; repeated Wed. 0815)

On October 6 and 9, the weekly Omnibus program presents Searching for Che in which Mike Ward investigates the image of the romantic revolutionary who died for his beliefs. (Mon. 0630; repeated 1030, Thu. 0130)

Beginning October 6 and 10, Pick of the World returns for a 13 week run with Nicola Barranger re-presenting her pick of a BBC program from the previous week. (Mon. 0130; repeated Fri. 0630)

Starting October 25, 26 and 27, is a new series of Good Books with a program examining the continued popularity of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. (Sat. 1245; repeated Sun. 0815, Mon. 0030)

Series Continuing or Concluding This Month

Home is Where the Hatred Is, Plants of Power, Pet Sematary, Dreams of Leaving: The Story of Human Migration, Chill Out, Revolution, Ends of the World, Paradox and Elvis PresleyThe Legacy continue from September. Consult September’s EZL for details. International Question Time and Pop the Question conclude their respective runs from August. Consult August’s EZL for details. Brain of Britain concludes from June. Consult June’s EZL for details.

Radio Netherlands Documentaries

(Thu. 0054 on 6020/6165/9845 and 0454 on 6165/9590; Fri. 2354 on 6020/6165/9845.)

2nd/3rd50th Anniversary Special: The Classics delves into the extensive RN classical music library amassed over the last half-century.

9th/10th, 16th/17th, 23rd/24thYou Are What You Eat is a three-part co-production looking at aspects of national cuisine and the customs associated with serving and receiving food in Scotland, Ireland and The Netherlands.

The complete program line-up for RN is in July’s EZL.

China Radio International

October Highlights

Oct. 3’s Song of the Week learn the history and the words and melody of the patriotic song “Sing of the Country”On Oct. 12’s Cooking Show, get the recipe for Stir Fried PotatoOct. 12’s Music From China presents several pieces of orchestral music that were inspired by classical poetry musicOct. 19’s edition of Chinese Folktales explains how a Mongolian herdsman can be moved to tears by the music of a horsehead fiddle Oct 24 and 31’s Cultural Spectrum will feature ten well-known ancient music worksOct. 27 and 29’s Listeners’ Letterbox is about Dr. Norman Bethune, who is a household name in China for his work in helping the Chinese people during the war against Japan.

CRI’s Complete Program Schedule

(0000-0100 on 9710/11695; 0300-0400 on 9690/9710/11695; 0400-0500 on 9730; 0500-0600 on 9650; 1400-1500 and 1500-1600 on 7405) [Program times approximate.]

World News (daily)
News about China (daily)
Sun.Asia Pacific News; Mon.Sports Beat; Tue.-Sat.Current Affairs (news analysis)
Sun.Travel Talk (travelogue); Mon.Snapshots (glimpses of things Chinese)
Sun.Cooking Show (culinary); Mon.In the Third World (global economic development); Tue.-Sat.Press Clippings (from Chinese periodicals)
Sun.Scrapbook (local events/places in China); Tue.Open Windows (Chinese business/economic policy); Wed.- Orient Arena (Asian sport); Thu.Profile (of ordinary Chinese citizens); Fri.Focus; Sat.Life in China (Chinese lifestyles)
Mon.Song of the Week (stories behind a folk song)
Sun.Music from China; Mon./Wed.Listeners’ Letterbox (letters/questions); Tue./Thu.Learn to Speak Chinese (language lesson); Fri.Cultural Spectrum (cultural events/the arts/the past); Sat.Global Review (Chinese perspectives on world events)

The Voice of the Andes–HCJB

HCJB is a unique commodity in international shortwave broadcasting–a station true to its Christian missionary objectives devoid of the heavy-handedness found in many of its religious broadcasting counterparts. In addition, many of its feature programs affirm a belief in the importance of enjoying the here and now, as well as the hereafter. Add to this the fact that the station provides important coverage of Latin America not available in English from any other source and you have another reason why HCJB should be in your listening diary.


The Least of These (Tue. at 0200 and 0500) is a unique program that focuses on news reports from around the world, interviews with newsmakers and the stories of religious, private and governmental organizations that work each day to alleviate the needs of our planet’s all-too-many poverty-striken people.

October is letter month at HCJB! Anyone sending the station a letter either by post or e-mail will receive a full-color HCJB desk calendar. All that’s required is that listeners mention their favorite programs when they write. And there’s a special surprise in store for listeners who are writing their first ever letter to HCJB. Write to: HCJB English Language Service; Casilla 17-17-691; Quito, Ecuador. The e-mail address is: <>.

HCJB’s “Prime Time” Program Schedule

(0000-0700 on 9745.) *description given previously

0000Mon.-Joni and Friends (inspiration); Tue.-Sat.-Insight for Living; Sun.-Adventures in Odyssey (children). 0005Mon.-Hour of Decision (Rev. Billy Graham). 0030Mon.-Mountain Meditations (inspirational songs/messages); Tue.-Sat.-Focus on the Family (Christian advice for family living; Sun.-Musical Mailbag (listener letters/inspirational music). 0056Tue.-Sat.-Beyond the Call. 0100Daily-Latin American and International News. 0110Sun.-DX Partyline (SWL info); Mon.-Saludos Amigos (international friendship program); Tue.-Sat.-Studio 9 (Latin American magazine/current affairs). 0130Tue.-You Should Know (a Christian view of world events/trends); Wed.-El Mundo Futuro (science/technology/computers); Thu.-Ham Radio Today; Fri.-Woman to Woman; Sat.-Musica del Ecuador (Andean folk music). 0200Sun.-Rock Solid (Christian rock music); Mon./Fri.-Radio Reading Room (Christian literature); Tue.-The Least of These (anti-poverty efforts); Wed.-Simply Worship; Thu.-The Book and the Spade (religion and archaeology); Sat.-On Line (computers). 0215Thu.-Inside HCJB (station news). 0230Sun.-Solstice (youth program); Mon.-L’Abri Lectures (theology); Tue.-Let My People Think; Wed.-Unshackled (drama); Thu.-Rock Solid!*; Fri.-Inspirational Classics (religiously inspired classical music); Sat.-On Track (youth). 0300Sun.-Songtime Weekend (hymns); Mon.-The Sower; Tue.-Chords of Love (hymns); Wed.-Psychology for Living; Thu.-CBF Presents; Fri.-Words for Women; Sat.-Science, Scripture and Salvation (creation science). 0315Tue.-Sat.-Rendezvous (inspirational music). 0330Sun.-Sports Spectrum (Christian athletes); Mon.-Joy International; Tue.-Master Control (Christian lifestyle magazine); Wed.-Stories of Great Christians; Thu.-Living Word; Fri.-Christians Broadcasting Hope; Sat.-Adventures in Odyssey*. 0345Tue.-Sat.-Wonderful Words of Life.

0400-[same as 0100-0200 above]. 0500Sun.-Musical Mailbag*; Mon.-Radio Reading Room*; Tue.-Sat.-[same as 0200-0230 above]. 0530Sun.-Afterglow (inspirational music/messages); Mon.-The Sower; Tue.-Sat.-[same as 0230-0300 above]. 0600Sun.-Rock Solid!*; Mon.-Mountain Meditations*; Tue.-Sat.-Psychology for Living. 0615Tue.-Sat.-Stories of Great Christians. 0630Sun.-Solstice*; Mon.-Musica del Ecuador*; Tue.-Sat.-Nightsounds (inspirational music).

HCJB’s daytime program schedule (1100-1600 on 12005/15115) will be in next month’s EZL.

In Brief

RCI‘s schedule turned out to be a little different than that presented in last month’s EZL. The 1300 news Mon. thru Fri. is now supplied by RCI and lasts five minutes. This Morning, Tonite starts at 1305. Sound Advice (critical reviews of classical music recordings) is presented Mon. from 2230 to 0000. Tapestry is now on Mon. from 0208 to 0300. Madly Off in All Directions is broadcast at 0205 Sun. and 1230 Mon.; The Great Eastern at 0230 Sun. The Inside Track (sports anthology) runs at 1205 Mon. RCI’s annual budget is now stabilized at approximately C$15.5 million. Expect to see a gradual increase in RCI-produced programming and correspondingly less CBC domestic product on RCI over time.

Clocks move back to standard time at the end of the month. Several stations (including the BBC, RCI) adjust the times of some transmissions and programs. If not there when you tune in, try an hour later UTC.

Rest in peace, Arthur Cushen.

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